So how do you rate your meals? By visiting your My Reviews page in your account. You can give your dinners up to 5 stars, leave yourself a personal note about the meal, and leave us recipe reviews about specific things you liked a lot or would like to see changed. Your rating and personal notes will be displayed on that menu item in the future when ordering online.
We want your feedback on your dinners each month. For a menu item to be brought back on the menu in the future, the recipe must have a minimum average rating of 3.5 stars and a minimum of 100 ratings to qualify.
New menu items are especially important to rate, because they are starting from scratch. If you want to see them on the menu again, log in to your account and let us know how your family liked the dinners. Items you mark "Would order again" are flagged on the menu as a favorite with a star icon to make it easy to remember which menu items you loved.
The comments you leave about each dinner are read through periodically and can be used to make updates. We do not directly respond to comments. If you have a question or concern about a menu item, please contact your store directly.
Please continue to rate and comment on your meals. They are a key piece in our menu selection process! So important in fact, you get 5 bonus points for each meal you rate in the PlatePoints program.